1 PREMIUM TAXI SERVICE HOW ARE WE DIFFERENT? We offer at all times a 100% professional Taxi service of the highest quality, with professional uniformed drivers where punctuality and cleanliness of the vehicle prevail. IS OUR SERVICE MORE EXPENSIVE? The answer is no. Our services have the same price as a conventional taxi. DOES IT HAVE ANY ADDITIONAL COST? No. The on-board services offered in all our Madrid taxis are free, you will only have to pay what the taximeter shows or, failing that, the contracted price. WHAT KIND OF VEHICLES DO WE HAVE? To satisfy all the needs of our clients and give them the service they need at all times, we have joined www.taximadridclass.com, to offer them a fleet to their liking, Mercedes taxi, Tesla taxi, Lexus taxi, Mondeo hybrid taxi, Prius plus , Couston 9 seats and Mercedes viano for 7 people, with the quality and professionalism of Mercedes taxi. 2 RESERVATION SERVICE HOW CAN I RESERVE A TAXI? You can book by phone call, whasts app, SMS, Email or from any link on our website. HOW MUCH IN ADVANCE SHOULD I RESERVE? Our recommendation is 24 hours in advance in order to guarantee your service. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO CONFIRM MY RESERVATION? Reservations by phone and whasts App are immediate, those sent by email within a maximum period of one hour. WHAT IF I CAN'T BOOK IN ADVANCE? We will try to send you the nearest taxi in the shortest possible time. But we will not be able to guarantee the service if you book very little in advance. CAN I ADVANCE A CONFIRMED RESERVATION? If you have confirmed a reservation with time and you need to advance it, we will send you the closest car, although we cannot guarantee that it is a Mercedes, 3 MEANS OF PAYMENT CAN I PAY BY CARD? YES, All the vehicles in our fleet have a POS for payment with all types of credit cards, including debit AMEX. DO YOU ACCEPT AMERICAN EXPRESS? The answer is YES, we accept payment in Madrid taxi with your American Express card. ARE THERE OTHER MEANS OF PAYMENT? You can also pay for your services by bank transfer. 4 PRIVACY WHAT IS OUR PRIVACY POLICY? We take your privacy very seriously on our website. Consult our privacy policy in the following links.